Heatmap Color Schemes

General parameters in heatmaps, correlations and networks :

heatmapType option
Color shades for the heatmap. It could be red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, purple, black, white or any combination of two colors separated by a dash
Default: blue-red
Options: blue, blue-green, blue-red, blue-yellow, blue-cyan, blue-purple, blue-white, blue-black, green, green-blue, green-red, green-yellow, green-cyan, green-purple, green-white, green-black, red, red-blue, red-green, red-yellow, red-cyan, red-purple, red-white, red-black, yellow, yellow-green, yellow-red, yellow-cyan, yellow-purple, yellow-white, yellow-black, cyan, cyan-green, cyan-red, cyan-yellow, cyan-purple, cyan-white, cyan-black, purple, purple-green, purple-red, purple-yellow, purple-cyan, purple-white, purple-black, white-green, white-red, white-yellow, white-cyan, white-purple, white-black, black-green, black-red, black-yellow, black-cyan, black-purple, black-white
Used in: all visualizations
Color for the center of the heatmap indicator. If rainbow-red is specified the order of the colors to generate the gradient will be: red - blue - green. If rainbow-green is specified then the order of the colors to generate the gradient will be: green - blue - red. The option rainbow is an alias for rainbow-red.
Default: white
Options: white, black, rainbow, rainbow-green
Used in: all visualizations
indicatorHeight integer
Length in pixels for the heatmap indicator
Default: 8
Used in: all visualizations
indicatorWidth integer
Length in pixels for the heatmap indicator line width used for increase the size of the indicator
Default: 1
Used in: all visualizations