Axis Resizer

Parameters used when resizing graphs

Color for the div that shows up when resizing the axes in the canvas or the whole canvas
Default: rgba(204,204,204,0.7)
Color for the div that shows up the current area selected in the axes in the canvas
Default: rgb(237,247,255)
Color for the div that shows up the current area selected in the axes in the canvas
Default: rgb(59,138,229)
resizerDataIndex integer Private
Object to store data when the canvas is zoomed with the axis resizer resizerEventData @type {object}
resizerDraw boolean
Flag to make the axis resizers draw the canvas as they move
Default: false
Position for the axis resizer in complex plots
Default: bottom
Options: top, rigth, bottom, left
resizerType option
String to indicate the type of axis resizer in complex plots
Default: false
Options: false, samples, box
resizerWidth integer
Length in pixels for the width of the visible axis resizer
Default: 50