
Legends for color, shape and size in visualizations

heatmapType option
Color shades for the heatmap. It could be red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, purple, black, white or any combination of two colors separated by a dash
Default: blue-red
Options: blue, blue-green, blue-red, blue-yellow, blue-cyan, blue-purple, blue-white, blue-black, green, green-blue, green-red, green-yellow, green-cyan, green-purple, green-white, green-black, red, red-blue, red-green, red-yellow, red-cyan, red-purple, red-white, red-black, yellow, yellow-green, yellow-red, yellow-cyan, yellow-purple, yellow-white, yellow-black, cyan, cyan-green, cyan-red, cyan-yellow, cyan-purple, cyan-white, cyan-black, purple, purple-green, purple-red, purple-yellow, purple-cyan, purple-white, purple-black, white-green, white-red, white-yellow, white-cyan, white-purple, white-black, black-green, black-red, black-yellow, black-cyan, black-purple, black-white
Color for the center of the heatmap indicator. If rainbow-red is specified the order of the colors to generate the gradient will be: red - blue - green. If rainbow-green is specified then the order of the colors to generate the gradient will be: green - blue - red. The option rainbow is an alias for rainbow-red.
Default: white
Options: white, black, rainbow, rainbow-green
indicatorWidth integer
Length in pixels for the heatmap indicator line width used for increase the size of the indicator
Default: 1
Position for the color, shape and size indicators in several visualizations
Default: bottom
Options: bottom, right
showIndicators boolean
Flag to show color, shape and size indicators in several visualizations
Default: true