Circular Graphs

General parameters in circular graphs

Number of degrees to separate the segments in the circular plots
Default: 8
Used in: Circular
Proportion of the center of the circular graph to use as void
Default: 0.3
Used in: Circular
Percentage of transparency applied to the connections in the circular graphs
Default: 0.5
Used in: Circular
Factor to adjust the spacing between letters in the circular graphs. The greater the number the closer the letters in the labels
Default: 2
Used in: Circular
rAxis string
Radial axis for circular plots. It must be the name of a variable
Default: false
Used in: Circular
rAxisZero boolean
Flag to force the rAxis to start from zero otherwise it starts from the minimum value
Default: false
Used in: Circular
ringSeparation integer
Number of pixels to separate the rings in the circular plots
Default: 9
Used in: Circular
ringsType array
Array containing the types for each ring in the circular plots
Default: []
Used in: Circular
ringsWeight array
Array containing the dimensions for each ring in the circular plots
Default: []
Used in: Circular
Flag to show connections in circular graphs
Default: true
Used in: Circular
showRingLegend boolean
Flag to show legends in each ring of a circular graph
Default: true
Used in: Circular
Orientation to show the sample names
Default: perpendicular
Options: perpendicular, circular
Used in: Circular