Network Graphs

General parameters used in networks

Flag to force approximate X, Y node positions.
Default: false
Used in: Network
Type of function to apply when calculating attractive force in forceDirected network layouts
Default: FruchtermanReingold
Options: Eades, FruchtermanReingold
Used in: Network
Flag to hide node when decorations are positioned on the center
Default: false
Used in: Network
calculateLayout boolean
Flag to force or not to calculate the network layout.
Default: true
Used in: Network
colorEdgeBy string
Name of the attribute to color the edges.
Default: false
Used in: Network
colorNodeBy string
Name of the attribute to color the nodes.
Default: false
Used in: Network
Edge configurable properties
Default: ['width', 'cap', 'exact', 'type']
Used in: Network
edgeWidth integer
Default width for the edges in the networks
Default: 1
Used in: Network
filterEdgeBy filter
Filter edges by their properties used in network graphs
Default: []
Used in: Network
filterNodeBy filter
Filter nodes by their properties used in network graphs
Default: []
Used in: Network
Name of nodes in the 'data.nodes' object to highlight.
Default: []
Used in: Network
Initial temperature to limit displacement at later stages of forceDirected and organic layouts. A value based on the number of node and edges will be assigned if not specified
Used in: Network
is3DNetwork boolean
Flag to create or not a 3D network
Default: false
Used in: Network
isSelectNodes integer Private
Number of selected nodes (in the data object).
Used in: Network
layoutTime integer
Time in milliseconds used to calculate the layout for the network
Default: 15
Used in: Network
Flag to make parents move when a child is moved
Default: false
Used in: Network
network2DRotate integer Private
Number of degrees to rotate network arround the X axis
Used in: Network
networkDepth integer Private
Depth of the radial network.
Used in: Network
networkDivisions integer Private
Number of angular divisions in the radial network.
Used in: Network
Constant used for calculating attractive and repulsive forces in forcedDirected and organic layouts. A value based on the average area per node will be assigned if not specified
Used in: Network
networkFreeze boolean
Flag to prevent autoscaling for the network layout. Useful when images are part of the network.
Default: false
Used in: Network
Flag to prevent autoscaling for the network layout after loading. Useful when images are part of the network.
Default: false
Used in: Network
Type of network layout.
Default: forceDirected
Options: forceDirected, organic, radial
Used in: Network
Minimum distance between nodes in forceDirected and organic layouts
Default: 4
Used in: Network
Order to use when drawing nodes and edges in the networks
Default: true
Used in: Network
networkRoot string
Node Id of the network root.
Default: false
Used in: Network
networkStack array Private
Array to keep state of the network after a drag or move
Used in: Network
networkStackIndex integer Private
Index in the network stack for undo and redo operations
Used in: Network
Number of states to keep in the network stack after a drag or move
Default: 8
Used in: Network
Node configurable properties
Default: ['x', 'y', 'z', 'shape', 'color', 'outline', 'size', 'width', 'height', 'pattern', 'rotate', 'outlineWidth', 'imagePath', 'zIndex', 'eventless']
Used in: Network
nodeFont font Private
Font for the text in networks
Used in: Network
Color for the network text
Default: rgb(0,0,0)
Used in: Network
nodeFontSize integer
Size in pixels for the font size of text in the networks
Default: 20
Used in: Network
nodeFontStyle option
Font style for the node label. @default
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic
Used in: Network
The color for the highlighted nodes.
Default: rgb(255,0,0)
Used in: Network
Scaling factor used to increse or decrease network text font size in the canvas.
Default: 1
Used in: Network
nodeSize integer
Length in pixels for the size of the nodes in the network
Default: 20
Used in: Network
Flag to override anchor nodes
Default: false
Used in: Network
Flag to override nodes that do not take events to be able to edit them
Default: false
Used in: Network
preScaleNetwork boolean
Flag to prescale or not the network. This is an aesthetic parameter to make the graph look nicer... Sometimes...
Default: false
Used in: Network
Type of function to apply when calculating repulsive force in forceDirected network layouts
Default: square
Options: square, log, pow, sqrt
Used in: Network
selectNode object Private
Name of nodes (in the data object) to select.
Default: {}
Used in: Network
shapeEdgeBy string
Name of the attribute to shape the nods.
Default: false
Used in: Network
shapeNodeBy string
Name of the attribute to shape the nods.
Default: false
Used in: Network
Flag to show or not children nodes when the parent node is hidden.
Default: true
Used in: Network
Flag to show node legends in the networks
Default: true
Used in: Network
Flag to show edge legends in the networks
Default: true
Used in: Network
Flag to show node legends in the networks
Default: true
Used in: Network
Flag to show or not a radial layout wire.
Default: false
Used in: Network
Flag to show node legends in the networks
Default: true
Used in: Network
Thereshold used to set the limit to hide or display the name of nodes in a network. If the number of nodes exceed this thereshold then the name will not be shown.
Default: 50
Used in: Network
Name of the attribute to size the network decoration.
Default: false
Used in: Network
sizeEdgeBy string
Name of the attribute to size the edges.
Default: false
Used in: Network
sizeNodeBy string
Name of the attribute to size the nodes.
Default: false
Used in: Network
skipClick boolean Private
Flag to skip click events after a mouse down event in the networks when the eventModel is global
Used in: Network
subNetworks array Private
Array to keep independent networks
Used in: Network
temperature integer
Temperature to limit displacement at later stages of forceDirected and organic layouts. A value based on the number of node and edges will be assigned if not specified
Used in: Network