
Additional elements added to graphs to increase data understanding

decorationFont font Private
Font for the decoration in scatter plots and network graphs
Font size for the decorations in scatter plots and network graphs
Default: 10
Font style for the decorations. @default
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic
Scaling factor used to increase or decrease decoration font size in the canvas.
Default: 1
decorations array
Name of the node properties to include in the network decorations in the 'data.nodes' object
See also: showDecorations
Default: []
Used in: Network, Scatter2D
Color for the decorations in scatter plots and network graphs
Default: rgb(0,0,0)
Array of colors used for selection in network decorations not to be confused by its singular form 'decorationsColor' above
Default: []
Used in: Network
Length in pixels of the height for the decorations in the networks
Default: 20
Used in: Network
Position for the decorations in scatter plots and network graphs
Default: bottom
Options: bottom, right
Object to assign properties like color for the network decorations
Default: {}
Used in: Network
Type for the decorations in the networks. The types stacked and stackedpercent must be two dimensional. Heatmap could be one or two dimensional
Default: bar
Options: pie, bar, heatmap, stacked, stackedpercent
Used in: Network
Length in pixels of the width for the decorations in the networks
Default: 10
Used in: Network
showDecorations boolean
Flag to show or not extra decorations like (regression lines, splines, etc) in scatter plots and (heatmaps, pie charts or stacked bar graphs in) network graphs
Default: false
Flag to show or not the confidence intervals in the Kaplan-Meyer plots
See also: decorations
Default: false